videos / ukraine

ukraine vid #23911253 Roman Trokhymets from the AZOV battalion patch up a fellow soldier

Roman Trokhymets from the AZOV battalion patch up a fellow soldier

ukraine vid #11947099 This Father, devastated and distraught, buries his young daughter

This Father, devastated and distraught, buries his young daughter

ukraine vid #23115894 Full video of the combat between "Gonor" group of "Da Vinchi

Full video of the combat between "Gonor" group of "Da Vinchi

ukraine vid #15818255 Kherson direction: it is reported that the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Kherson direction: it is reported that the Armed Forces of Ukraine

ukraine vid #10355810 More and more really graphic footage keeps coming out of regular

More and more really graphic footage keeps coming out of regular

ukraine vid #15879741 Drone thermal view of a mortar being dropped on a Russian soldier

Drone thermal view of a mortar being dropped on a Russian soldier

ukraine vid #10235652 update to previous post the deputy mayor pulled through and is

update to previous post the deputy mayor pulled through and is

ukraine vid #22843719 Fetch! Good ruzzian!

Fetch! Good ruzzian!

ukraine vid #10866845 Sky News team being shelled along with Civilians as they escape

Sky News team being shelled along with Civilians as they escape

ukraine vid #16831760 Injured Russian soldier that stuck between BMP and a building

Injured Russian soldier that stuck between BMP and a building

ukraine vid #10341939 Dead Russian marines in Gostomel (Kyiv oblast')

Dead Russian marines in Gostomel (Kyiv oblast')

ukraine vid #11646002 In Mariupol, kadyrov's archaeologists dug up their commander,

In Mariupol, kadyrov's archaeologists dug up their commander,

ukraine vid #10418557 Under the Eiffel Tower in Paris women go topless chanting against

Under the Eiffel Tower in Paris women go topless chanting against

ukraine vid #10222372 “We are not targeting civilians or infrastructure”

“We are not targeting civilians or infrastructure”

ukraine vid #23834579 UA soldiers clearing a trench

UA soldiers clearing a trench

ukraine vid #16027474 Russian troops ambushed (full video)

Russian troops ambushed (full video)

ukraine vid #10254478 Fucking Putin said he wouldn’t be attacking the civilian population

Fucking Putin said he wouldn’t be attacking the civilian population

ukraine vid #10995268 attention shocking material! Ukrainian soldier's comment: "Interestingly,

attention shocking material! Ukrainian soldier's comment: "Interestingly,

ukraine vid #24219025 Bakhmut direction. Ukrainian soldier gets wounded in a battle.

Bakhmut direction. Ukrainian soldier gets wounded in a battle.

ukraine vid #15826230 Video of Ukrainian artillery shooting a group of Russian soldiers

Video of Ukrainian artillery shooting a group of Russian soldiers

ukraine vid #14743817 Headshot footage from Ukrainian frontline sniper. He just sent

Headshot footage from Ukrainian frontline sniper. He just sent

ukraine vid #15281628 Russian soldier caught ukrainian bomb from drone

Russian soldier caught ukrainian bomb from drone

ukraine vid #13716629 Clean work of Ukrainian SOF Sniper.

Clean work of Ukrainian SOF Sniper.

ukraine vid #20258781 Allegedly Russian soldiers wearing Ukrainian uniforms attempted

Allegedly Russian soldiers wearing Ukrainian uniforms attempted

ukraine vid #40671915 Doctor Todurov, the head of the Heart Institute of Ukraine, extracts

Doctor Todurov, the head of the Heart Institute of Ukraine, extracts

ukraine vid #10577892 Mariupol maternity ward after bombardment. The first pregnant

Mariupol maternity ward after bombardment. The first pregnant

ukraine vid #10233831 "I am injured, I am not going to live for long!" Deputy major

"I am injured, I am not going to live for long!" Deputy major

ukraine vid #16829091 The Ukrainian soldier shot the Russian soldier hiding behind

The Ukrainian soldier shot the Russian soldier hiding behind

ukraine vid #10968655 Intercepted voice calls Russian soldiers talk about rape and

Intercepted voice calls Russian soldiers talk about rape and

ukraine vid #14269027 [NSFL] Minutes after Vinnytsia terrorist airstrike from eyes

[NSFL] Minutes after Vinnytsia terrorist airstrike from eyes

ukraine vid #27030657 The destruction of Russian sabotage reconnaissance group somewhere

The destruction of Russian sabotage reconnaissance group somewhere

ukraine vid #17542601 Russian tank hit by ATGM while crew is dismounting, causing one

Russian tank hit by ATGM while crew is dismounting, causing one

ukraine vid #10443616 (NSFL) Russian soldiers were ambushed and annihilated by Ukrainian

(NSFL) Russian soldiers were ambushed and annihilated by Ukrainian

ukraine vid #10400121 The People's Mayor of the Occupied Sumy proposed to use the abandoned

The People's Mayor of the Occupied Sumy proposed to use the abandoned

ukraine vid #11251155 Doctor performs open heart surgery to remove a bullet lodged

Doctor performs open heart surgery to remove a bullet lodged

ukraine vid #11112737 Ukrainian military police arrest saboteurs in Kyiv(?). According

Ukrainian military police arrest saboteurs in Kyiv(?). According

ukraine vid #11192404 ⚠️DISTURBING First minutes after the rockets hit Kramatorsk

⚠️DISTURBING First minutes after the rockets hit Kramatorsk

ukraine vid #10427420 Russian mortars target a market killing civilians including children

Russian mortars target a market killing civilians including children

ukraine vid #10737063 Azov reported eliminating special forces of the Kabardino-Balkaria

Azov reported eliminating special forces of the Kabardino-Balkaria

ukraine vid #16539150 The Russian 3rd army corps recently to fight in Ukraine was decimated

The Russian 3rd army corps recently to fight in Ukraine was decimated

ukraine vid #10256137 NSFL warning! Civilians in Kharkiv were coming back to their

NSFL warning! Civilians in Kharkiv were coming back to their

ukraine vid #17153300 Drone drops 9 grenades on Russian troops.

Drone drops 9 grenades on Russian troops.

ukraine vid #10946476 Warriors of Belarusian Kalinouski battalion say their last goodbyes

Warriors of Belarusian Kalinouski battalion say their last goodbyes

ukraine vid #10618731 Counter attack by Ukrainian paratroopera Journalist Iurii Butusov

Counter attack by Ukrainian paratroopera Journalist Iurii Butusov

ukraine vid #10447771 (NSFL) Corpses of Russian 'Special Forces' near Kharkov

(NSFL) Corpses of Russian 'Special Forces' near Kharkov

ukraine vid #10700106 before and after of Hostomol, a very beautiful town near Kyiv

before and after of Hostomol, a very beautiful town near Kyiv

ukraine vid #10847772 (NSFW) Absolutely heartbreaking VICE reportage from Kharkiv.

(NSFW) Absolutely heartbreaking VICE reportage from Kharkiv.

ukraine vid #18668820 Georgian Soldiers Ambushed Huge Wagner Unit Near Bakhmut.

Georgian Soldiers Ambushed Huge Wagner Unit Near Bakhmut.