videos / iamatotalpieceofshit

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #8339250 Incel gets punched after he harasses and pepper sprays women

Incel gets punched after he harasses and pepper sprays women

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #17565822 pos bashes woman in apartment complex

pos bashes woman in apartment complex

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #39251418 Soldiers shoot at civilians looking out of the window.

Soldiers shoot at civilians looking out of the window.

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #33655109 Mormon missionary swings cat by the tail…

Mormon missionary swings cat by the tail…

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #2930011 Not ok, even in the worst emergency situation

Not ok, even in the worst emergency situation

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #3021936 I don't think this went the way he planned. Absolute human garbage.

I don't think this went the way he planned. Absolute human garbage.

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #11758200 most likely brain damage

most likely brain damage

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #16106313 Brother bashes sister because she wanted to go on a date.

Brother bashes sister because she wanted to go on a date.

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #6890305 Who ever shot my cat with a bb fuck you.

Who ever shot my cat with a bb fuck you.

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #5952053 This total POS school shooter pretending to have a psychological

This total POS school shooter pretending to have a psychological

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #40451681 Here’s a closer and more clear angle of what happened with

Here’s a closer and more clear angle of what happened with

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #18772595 Cop shoots man cause he didn't put down the axe

Cop shoots man cause he didn't put down the axe

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #11976277 Boyfriend Tolerates Punches from Girlfriend

Boyfriend Tolerates Punches from Girlfriend

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #9009362 POS attempts to burn down a school and gets his nuts roasted.

POS attempts to burn down a school and gets his nuts roasted.

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #11541237 A Maryland teenager was sentenced to 25 years in jail for hitting

A Maryland teenager was sentenced to 25 years in jail for hitting

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #16724805 POS pours human waste over Captain Sir Tom Moore's memorial

POS pours human waste over Captain Sir Tom Moore's memorial

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #2652839 POS sets a homeless man and his things on fire

POS sets a homeless man and his things on fire

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #17338769 Man casually douses another with a flammable substance and sets

Man casually douses another with a flammable substance and sets

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #20104159 Dissatisfied Customer

Dissatisfied Customer

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #19787854 Biker drags man for 1km in shocking hit-and-run incident

Biker drags man for 1km in shocking hit-and-run incident

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #19728145 father arrested for neglect after neighbors reported toddler

father arrested for neglect after neighbors reported toddler

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #18743965 Scumbag husband

Scumbag husband

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #10568478 Museum Employees Stabbed After Man Denied Entry to See Film.

Museum Employees Stabbed After Man Denied Entry to See Film.

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #2850794 Guy runs over geese

Guy runs over geese

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #18203439 Man runs over cyclist while filming

Man runs over cyclist while filming

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #13055688 Disgruntled fan throws a dirty sucker punch

Disgruntled fan throws a dirty sucker punch

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #10742403 Intentionally tryin to kill someone at the gym

Intentionally tryin to kill someone at the gym

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #18710610 POS kid throws cat off 22th storey

POS kid throws cat off 22th storey

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #12131551 Mother forces father and son out of house running around with

Mother forces father and son out of house running around with

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #8736007 Sicko sexualy assaults a woman on a subway and gets caught

Sicko sexualy assaults a woman on a subway and gets caught

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #8009399 POS dude throws a Molotov cocktail into the bodega in Brooklyn

POS dude throws a Molotov cocktail into the bodega in Brooklyn

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #19002239 Just terrific

Just terrific

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #6918192 Guy gets stomped by two dudes

Guy gets stomped by two dudes

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #2112318 Woman finds inexplicable injuries on both her dogs. She decides

Woman finds inexplicable injuries on both her dogs. She decides

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #9265242 Absolute idiots grab pedestrian to make him run as their car

Absolute idiots grab pedestrian to make him run as their car

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #11388214 8 dogs attack 11 year old lab, owner of attackers complains “I

8 dogs attack 11 year old lab, owner of attackers complains “I

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #873547 Husband hides camera in his house to see how his wife is treating

Husband hides camera in his house to see how his wife is treating

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #9915867 Pro mandate Karen rams into car.

Pro mandate Karen rams into car.

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #20739880 Man attempts to r*pe a woman at an apartment complex gym. Luckily,

Man attempts to r*pe a woman at an apartment complex gym. Luckily,

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #7495374 Streamer caught lying about disturbing sexual remarks

Streamer caught lying about disturbing sexual remarks

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #13556500 Woman stabbed in a restaurant in East Ham, London

Woman stabbed in a restaurant in East Ham, London

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #12505918 Take a walk, racists

Take a walk, racists

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #7451016 An unidentified suspect cornered an ice cream shop employee and

An unidentified suspect cornered an ice cream shop employee and

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #14006597 Happened 2 days ago at 8:30am outside a coffee shop, completely

Happened 2 days ago at 8:30am outside a coffee shop, completely

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #6560915 2 men assaulted their sister and mother with a HAMMER and a helmet

2 men assaulted their sister and mother with a HAMMER and a helmet

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #3296098 Apartment owner NEVER cleans up after his dog. On top of that,

Apartment owner NEVER cleans up after his dog. On top of that,

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #20106645 Tyre Nichols Was Running For His Life…

Tyre Nichols Was Running For His Life…

iamatotalpieceofshit vid #12288681 Best thing that can happen to a porch pirate

Best thing that can happen to a porch pirate