A man feeds a shark his pinky...
Komodo Dragon uses its razor sharp backwards teeth to rip open
A saltwater crocodile catches a dog
Sea Turtle Shark Attack
Turtle Breaks A Pelican's Beak
Hyena rips the face off of a baby zebra
African Wild Dogs nibbling on a live Kudu
A stray/feral cat eating a dead kitten
Idiot pets a Gharial
King Penguin squirms around while Giant Petrels squabble over
A lioness takes down a zebra in brutal fashion by crushing its
Timor Deer gets its throat ripped open by a Komodo Dragon
Green-billed Toucan pulling chunks out of a bird
A Camel has fangs.?? ew fear unlocked
Komodo Dragon gets ahold of sea turtle.
An intruding white stork maims and kills the chicks of another
Wildebeest calf getting eaten alive by a Spotted Hyena
Oryx getting eaten alive by African Wild Dogs
Disemboweled impala attempts to fend off African wild dogs
Cat infected by parasites
zebra gets its face ripped off by crocs
Sea lion after being attacked by a shark
Mother nature is unforgiving, from Mina, Brazil.
Crocodile kills man
Komodo dragon eats pregnant deer alive (not for the faint hearted
A clan of spotted hyenas butchering a topi
Komodo Dragon chews off a Water Buffalo's ears
African Wild Dogs corner an Impala and tear it open
Wild dogs eat Warthog alive
spawn kill
A collared kingfisher bashes a lizard’s brains in
Sea lion still alive after being bitten in half
Crocodile catches young Zebra. Warning! Extremely graphic video.
“Why do yall hate baboons so much? They’re no different than
no pellets for this leopards palate
A jaguar eating a live sea turtle’s brains
Monkeys murdering and torturing a rat
Sensitive content! Crocodile bites zebra in the midsection
A black bear dragging away a live elk calf it caught
Penguin chick getting eaten alive by a pair of Skuas
Indonesian woman's body found inside python
At a pride takeover, this young male lion fell victim to the
Chital Deer getting slowly eaten alive by Dholes
A lion eating a young hippo alive
Black backed jackals eating a topi alive.
A Eurasian sparrowhawk performing open-heart surgery on a Eurasian
Leopard eats Warthog alive
Elephant that had its crotch torn open by a crocodile