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How was Ariel born

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I got bitches.

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Mortal Cumbat!

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what would you do?

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Ear string pulling champion

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When your car stereo settings are a little too well adjusted

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Lawyer trying to defend his client

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Slow burn Joke from a Newzealand radio station.

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Confessions with Father Wubby

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Let me explain

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Meh ...

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Typical Dishit

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Cop Stuck

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The truest wedding cake

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NSFW - Game that ends happily for everyone

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She wasn't ready for that though

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Mama doesn't like twerking

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It's October! My favorite of these Michael Myers pranks.

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Anthem of 22? Gotta be.

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Pandemic safety advert. With a twist..

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It be like that sometime bro.

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The One Chip Challenge claims another one ๐Ÿ˜ญ

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Assface strikes again!!

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This is the way XD

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What Is the Sexiest Sex You've Ever Sexed? This.

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Gets em every timeโ€ฆ

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Hot Until Not - Cat dog walk

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When an adult plays with Kid's toys

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I can almost see right down the barrel

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Second Dude came in smooth

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What's your Superpower? [OC]

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checkmate flat-Earthers

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Guyโ€™s having a rough day

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A Man Can't Stop Thinking About Sex - NSFW

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Demon in the private parts..may god save this lady

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Dinosaurs ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

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for everything else, there's Mastercardildo.

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Blowing Down Pants Instead of Blowing Up Tire

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A Man Dies And Goes To Hell - NSFW

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Sex With A Retail Worker

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That day at the gym

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When the wrong Uber comes to pick you up [NSFW language]

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I love this DJ

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Kid going places

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psylocke and tentacle monster

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City Council Approved