New favorite Christmas song
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Instant Pinocchio
My type of fairy tale
Keep it PG, Dan
How to deliver her valentine's present.
Quitting should be pleasurable
"Do it, do it, DO IT!"
short kings rising up
Having the time of his life
Moves like Jagger
The Fart Art of Ancient Japan
Praying so that I'm born as a cat in my next life !
50th Birthday present I made for my best friend
My wife and I are embarking into the world of Japanese children's
What’s going on in my neighbor’s yard?
I guess you are what you eat
Hyena passes out after happy ending
Not sure if this counts as #NSFW but think it's pretty funny....
I'm a little late for the Christmas season stuff
On days like today, some choose to spend it with their loved
“Not in my town”…but actually yeah ok in my town.
Daddy’s dick
Life is so fun when there is a witch hunt everyday.
If they find it they will play with it
Fleshlight Muffer + Steve Carell in Bruce Almighty
Just in case
Just stay cool keep singing
Bouncy Goodness ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Good old humour
I just worked off of a long night shift, to find that there's
Gone, gone... Ey! Eeh eeh! ... Oooh blue heaveeen.
Offensive bowling video
Man draws giant sky penis
for those with a strong nervous system )))
The Laugh 🤣
I think I found my bird’s favorite song
Male Beluga Whale is DTF at an amusement park
Even the cushions be Simp'n...
After the Con
So simple, why didn't I think of it!
We Have No Chance At Survival (Voiceover)
Granny with the jokes
How to draw the female body
That’s gotta hurt