videos / funny

funny vid #36699697 Those sweet, sweet McDonalds Halloween pails

Those sweet, sweet McDonalds Halloween pails

funny vid #397872 Mom’s reaction...wait for it

Mom’s reaction...wait for it

funny vid #269566 Wait for it...

Wait for it...

funny vid #1289821 The perfect gun does not ex.......

The perfect gun does not ex.......

funny vid #14790339 Dog loves to ride his skateboard in public

Dog loves to ride his skateboard in public

funny vid #50160 A rocket in my pocket

A rocket in my pocket

funny vid #38298120 Before Discord there was Ventrilo. One man, the videocompiler,

Before Discord there was Ventrilo. One man, the videocompiler,

funny vid #11218902 Pub for sale in my town, being a nosey electrician I’m looking

Pub for sale in my town, being a nosey electrician I’m looking

funny vid #7517439 How to play guitar

How to play guitar

funny vid #3467900 My new vibrator looks like the Enterprise.

My new vibrator looks like the Enterprise.

funny vid #15923283 Well, it was worth a shot.....

Well, it was worth a shot.....

funny vid #10119214 I guess you cannot make this jokes nowadays anymore. Unfortunately.

I guess you cannot make this jokes nowadays anymore. Unfortunately.

funny vid #191501 That fella is not like a box of chocolates.

That fella is not like a box of chocolates.

funny vid #11063625 Strip poker anyone?

Strip poker anyone?

funny vid #3281903 Ladies and gentlemen I present to you: the squeaker bra

Ladies and gentlemen I present to you: the squeaker bra

funny vid #40109010 MicroP***$ Advocacy Association

MicroP***$ Advocacy Association

funny vid #12463365 Bubble tea DIY

Bubble tea DIY

funny vid #9223742 Insane talent

Insane talent

funny vid #22923449 Action Man is a hero on the battlefield

Action Man is a hero on the battlefield

funny vid #22901454 bigdig


funny vid #286381 Let's fight and no.

Let's fight and no.

funny vid #24966009 Waking up to a dog's life

Waking up to a dog's life

funny vid #17178424 Big Black Hawk

Big Black Hawk

funny vid #1518183 Flossing before the dentist.

Flossing before the dentist.

funny vid #9410690 They’re just sounds!

They’re just sounds!

funny vid #20733559 Having a good time in the Hogwarts game.

Having a good time in the Hogwarts game.

funny vid #23013204 We owe so much to this guy...

We owe so much to this guy...

funny vid #20907259 Easiest question to answer ever…

Easiest question to answer ever…

funny vid #11950783 I think she was trying to tell me something when she picked this

I think she was trying to tell me something when she picked this

funny vid #20204611 No protective gear? No problem 🔊⬆️

No protective gear? No problem 🔊⬆️

funny vid #59134 A controversial celebration

A controversial celebration

funny vid #39239086 Bad to the bone

Bad to the bone

funny vid #7288549 Swings and Roundabouts

Swings and Roundabouts

funny vid #493720 How to catch crabs 🦀 for beginners

How to catch crabs 🦀 for beginners

funny vid #1830208 Dickpicr


funny vid #20672419 Happy Valentine’s!

Happy Valentine’s!

funny vid #11970989 Toy Story 2.5

Toy Story 2.5

funny vid #12357 Meanwhile on Delta...

Meanwhile on Delta...

funny vid #400723 Dildo Darts

Dildo Darts

funny vid #22757142 Interesting Nut Cracker

Interesting Nut Cracker

funny vid #10778997 bruuuh


funny vid #18116048 Funny birthday boy

Funny birthday boy

funny vid #4497445 Strong muscle simulation while trying to drink a beer goes about

Strong muscle simulation while trying to drink a beer goes about

funny vid #1046750 nice


funny vid #206540 They sure do grow up fast

They sure do grow up fast

funny vid #3997949 For my fiancé's birthday I made a book of quotes from all the

For my fiancé's birthday I made a book of quotes from all the

funny vid #1832533 The proudest penis

The proudest penis

funny vid #18860650 Bah Humbug I guess. Poor Santa. Sound on.

Bah Humbug I guess. Poor Santa. Sound on.