videos / facepalm

facepalm vid #16052098 Where are the parents?

Where are the parents?

facepalm vid #15296579 Magician ruins his career on live TV

Magician ruins his career on live TV

facepalm vid #20723159 Would you like some new toes, sir?

Would you like some new toes, sir?

facepalm vid #20141617 To be sad .. 😩

To be sad .. 😩

facepalm vid #20868405 Florida woman fights off attacker in apartment gym caught on

Florida woman fights off attacker in apartment gym caught on

facepalm vid #19328587 Mental health crisis at the Walmart self check. Just another

Mental health crisis at the Walmart self check. Just another

facepalm vid #17161299 WARNING(GRAPHIC) Man puts his hands too close to a Lions Mouth

WARNING(GRAPHIC) Man puts his hands too close to a Lions Mouth

facepalm vid #24119199 Sorry, but what's the problem?

Sorry, but what's the problem?

facepalm vid #18345865 Find the girl who falls in love with u even with just 30k salary

Find the girl who falls in love with u even with just 30k salary

facepalm vid #15968236 Master baiter

Master baiter

facepalm vid #18528313 Result of a TikTok trend in an Egyptian school (no blood but

Result of a TikTok trend in an Egyptian school (no blood but

facepalm vid #20864824 Antisemite films himself hurling racial slurs at Jewish people

Antisemite films himself hurling racial slurs at Jewish people

facepalm vid #18705025 No explanation needed…

No explanation needed…

facepalm vid #18205100 Trying to lift with your legs

Trying to lift with your legs

facepalm vid #23289668 Couples arguing on the balcony.

Couples arguing on the balcony.

facepalm vid #9372056 If you want to be seen, choose less dangerous ways

If you want to be seen, choose less dangerous ways

facepalm vid #22338250 Zoom call nightmare

Zoom call nightmare

facepalm vid #19482944 Does YouTube even look at the ads they're running?!

Does YouTube even look at the ads they're running?!

facepalm vid #9355341 My brain stop working and im Left with more question than answers

My brain stop working and im Left with more question than answers

facepalm vid #16605846 Desperation in trying to dodge a war having a friend

Desperation in trying to dodge a war having a friend

facepalm vid #24222868 You AirPlayed yourself (NSFW)

You AirPlayed yourself (NSFW)

facepalm vid #20474184 Guy gets attacked by neighbor’s dog. (Slight Blood Warning

Guy gets attacked by neighbor’s dog. (Slight Blood Warning

facepalm vid #19821947 Anything's / Everything's A Dildo If You're Brave Enoughve Enough

Anything's / Everything's A Dildo If You're Brave Enoughve Enough

facepalm vid #6519396 Don't be these idiots!

Don't be these idiots!

facepalm vid #9604495 Loosing the temper on a kid. Kid got concussion afterwards 🤦‍♂️

Loosing the temper on a kid. Kid got concussion afterwards 🤦‍♂️

facepalm vid #20504434 What the f*ck happened to YouTube ads

What the f*ck happened to YouTube ads

facepalm vid #17355176 Playing with a knife for tiktok

Playing with a knife for tiktok

facepalm vid #20453513 Nothing better to reconnect with nature

Nothing better to reconnect with nature

facepalm vid #15699919 she got arrested for assult

she got arrested for assult

facepalm vid #21050103 when calling a man a B#$@ goes horribly wrong

when calling a man a B#$@ goes horribly wrong

facepalm vid #37877366 How to not stop a tractor

How to not stop a tractor

facepalm vid #21679207 Naked man blocks vehicle traffic on a busy street...

Naked man blocks vehicle traffic on a busy street...

facepalm vid #15797997 Idiot trying to show off with compound bow

Idiot trying to show off with compound bow

facepalm vid #22197594 Buddy of mine spent 8k delivery fees for thud pos to throw a

Buddy of mine spent 8k delivery fees for thud pos to throw a

facepalm vid #19152621 Woman has accident - No Help!

Woman has accident - No Help!

facepalm vid #9466769 Naughty Satan

Naughty Satan

facepalm vid #19752690 Headpalm.. (borrowed from IG)

Headpalm.. (borrowed from IG)

facepalm vid #23142422 Substitute Teacher Fights Student Over Taking Her Phone (NSFW

Substitute Teacher Fights Student Over Taking Her Phone (NSFW

facepalm vid #16025974 Lion King 👑

Lion King 👑

facepalm vid #11990125 Hey man that's not the bathroom..

Hey man that's not the bathroom..

facepalm vid #21154849 TikTok + driving... a mess

TikTok + driving... a mess

facepalm vid #21783446 One… Two…

One… Two…

facepalm vid #15320117 Another Soccer Mom tries her hand at MMA

Another Soccer Mom tries her hand at MMA

facepalm vid #20266038 Weirdest gender reveal ever

Weirdest gender reveal ever

facepalm vid #446060 [Warning: Grim] This is why you shouldn't fight the PERSON who's

[Warning: Grim] This is why you shouldn't fight the PERSON who's

facepalm vid #21617055 Mess With A Lion & Find Out 🤦‍♂️

Mess With A Lion & Find Out 🤦‍♂️

facepalm vid #5295812 ISIS members detonated their own IED

ISIS members detonated their own IED

facepalm vid #23515060 title
