videos / aquariums

Aquariums vid #4045916 Little Leo crushes the snails

Little Leo crushes the snails

Aquariums vid #37582875 Normans are spawn camping the amano offspring

Normans are spawn camping the amano offspring

Aquariums vid #16081629 the new pike cichlid (decided to move the texas cichlid to a

the new pike cichlid (decided to move the texas cichlid to a

Aquariums vid #13429291 Back at it with feeding Kingsley

Back at it with feeding Kingsley

Aquariums vid #28223264 Tiny parasite like thingy came out of my dead goldfish

Tiny parasite like thingy came out of my dead goldfish

Aquariums vid #11024482 Give me the tube feet!

Give me the tube feet!

Aquariums vid #19316922 woke up to one of my guppies dead and one of my kuhli loaches

woke up to one of my guppies dead and one of my kuhli loaches

Aquariums vid #2987782 This is buddy... it takes him a while to get it right... but

This is buddy... it takes him a while to get it right... but

Aquariums vid #4757817 Congo puffer Tater eating an earthworm in slow-motion!

Congo puffer Tater eating an earthworm in slow-motion!

Aquariums vid #1069565 Thought you guys might find this interesting... Parasitic worms

Thought you guys might find this interesting... Parasitic worms

Aquariums vid #3454113 Don’t blink or you’ll miss it

Don’t blink or you’ll miss it

Aquariums vid #16789098 Cool way to see how Angler Fish behave without having to see

Cool way to see how Angler Fish behave without having to see

Aquariums vid #24171847 Had extra feeder brine shrimp, shared with these guys for the

Had extra feeder brine shrimp, shared with these guys for the

Aquariums vid #9758984 Whats happening to this fish at petsmart? Genuine question

Whats happening to this fish at petsmart? Genuine question

Aquariums vid #8663489 Dinner time for Simon!

Dinner time for Simon!

Aquariums vid #2718222 Pea puffer eating daphnia up close maybe NSFW

Pea puffer eating daphnia up close maybe NSFW

Aquariums vid #22827550 My female betta has dropsy please help

My female betta has dropsy please help

Aquariums vid #7610021 Needle nose gar having a snack

Needle nose gar having a snack

Aquariums vid #7474101 This is how my leaf fish hunts it’s prey!

This is how my leaf fish hunts it’s prey!

Aquariums vid #19396960 Smaug & Akuma feedings back to back.

Smaug & Akuma feedings back to back.

Aquariums vid #19596781 My Assassin Snail aka Lee Harvey, hunting and capturing a bladder

My Assassin Snail aka Lee Harvey, hunting and capturing a bladder

Aquariums vid #11791989 I caught my otocinclus breeding today!

I caught my otocinclus breeding today!

Aquariums vid #19723315 Snow flake eel munching

Snow flake eel munching

Aquariums vid #3295050 Breakfast time for my poof!

Breakfast time for my poof!

Aquariums vid #7163373 Had a gourami unfortunately pass away the other day (natural

Had a gourami unfortunately pass away the other day (natural

Aquariums vid #6965352 My Vampire Crab enjoying a superworm

My Vampire Crab enjoying a superworm

Aquariums vid #20310708 I finally caught my mystery snail in the act!

I finally caught my mystery snail in the act!

Aquariums vid #6642806 Help! What’s wrong with my fish?

Help! What’s wrong with my fish?

Aquariums vid #20227075 Tiny murder machine

Tiny murder machine

Aquariums vid #21530210 clip from today's feeding

clip from today's feeding

Aquariums vid #21885846 amazon puffer eats tetra

amazon puffer eats tetra

Aquariums vid #1131342 First time owning a pea puffer. Choji is a true assassin. NSFW

First time owning a pea puffer. Choji is a true assassin. NSFW

Aquariums vid #7098703 Jellybean the fahaka eating and doing her thank you dance

Jellybean the fahaka eating and doing her thank you dance

Aquariums vid #6123139 I see your sea horse, turtle and axolotl and raise you my Arowana

I see your sea horse, turtle and axolotl and raise you my Arowana

Aquariums vid #2705222 He hesitated too long...

He hesitated too long...

Aquariums vid #176041 Lungfish seizes a dubia roach

Lungfish seizes a dubia roach

Aquariums vid #10463218 Guppy giving birth.

Guppy giving birth.

Aquariums vid #18156515 An attempt was made

An attempt was made

Aquariums vid #6710184 I caught my Julii Corys Breeding!

I caught my Julii Corys Breeding!

Aquariums vid #2711421 Amano eating red cherry alive

Amano eating red cherry alive

Aquariums vid #19245618 Kulhi loach enjoying some dragon stone, sand, and a little micro

Kulhi loach enjoying some dragon stone, sand, and a little micro

Aquariums vid #15177347 Imagine being eaten by a Haitian anemone

Imagine being eaten by a Haitian anemone

Aquariums vid #4003509 Pogo's a savage...NSFW

Pogo's a savage...NSFW

Aquariums vid #7128135 Red Angler fish taking down a ghost shrimp!

Red Angler fish taking down a ghost shrimp!

Aquariums vid #234848 Dug likes to savor the flavor.

Dug likes to savor the flavor.

Aquariums vid #2659095 *NSFW Prey item. Throwback to a simpler time. Feesing enrichment

*NSFW Prey item. Throwback to a simpler time. Feesing enrichment

Aquariums vid #20947043 Sick little dude.

Sick little dude.

Aquariums vid #2478083 My warty frogfish eating a meal that will last for the next week

My warty frogfish eating a meal that will last for the next week