Leaking spot. Reduction on December 21st. Story in comments.
So I just saw this and Idk if it's normal
are belly buttons supposed to do this?
Do I need stitches?
Cut my thumb open a week ago with a utility knife. It’s still
Very movable lump under skin? Referred for an US
Wtf is going on with my ear? I’ve got severe headaches from
Is this tonsillitis?
Does anyone know what this is?? F/26/ this happens randomly
Should my blood be this thick?I get heart pains level 4that last
Any clue what the hell this is?
Breathing sounds weird (video attached), this is when I inhale
Can anyone help me with diagnosing this
Finger doing this for 2 days. Any reason to go to the doctor
Hey slice 1/3 of my finger tip in half. Got stitches. Is this
What is this?
Knee has been twitching for 2 days, want an explanation.
After 10 day antibiotic for pneumonia, high fever and weird breathing
Does this tattoo look infected?
Hard to open arm and move fingers freely
Squirrel grabbing pecan from hand. Accidentally nipped me. Is
Is the edge of this node popping out normal?
Punched a wall,should i go to a hospital? Feels weird when i
Bony lump on toddlers neck (info in comments)
Staph aureus boil incision. Was this procedure performed well?
Advice: I fell on the tile floor and hit my right knee. (video
Can someone please help.
Does it look like my infected ear drum is perforated at all?
Is it normal for my vein to move like this when I lift my finger?!
ankle goes bump tgt with heartbeat. smt to be concerned abt?
Does anybody know how to fix this with no doctor? Is like a trigger
what is this? painful swollen area in tonsils, but not a tonsil
do I have some kind of mobility issue? discomfort on one side
do I need stitches ?
have been bleeding out of my nose 2× a month for while. Today
Right middle finger twitching nonstop for days? Could it be muscle
Pupil fluctuations, is this normal?
Any help please?
Should I go to the dr’s?
PLEASE HELP!! I’m pretty sure these are infected (details in
Chemical burn from undiluted tea tree oil (yeah I know). How
Can anyone explain this? 19(f) not diabetic not anxious
I fell a week ago tomorrow..is it okay to walk on this? Still
What the heck is on my eardrum?
This look deep enough for a doctor visit? Or will home treatment
Should I go to a doctor for this? Smacked my shin on my bike
Not entirely sure what this is on the inside of my cheek. Anyone