What happens when you defy a cop with a taser and you have a
Never lock your knees
Lets play a game called jumping off a second floor and dive into
Playing with fireworks and suction cupping your chest...?
is this what people mean by they are lighting fireworks on the
Jumping into a frozen lake
Bro dives over friends landing on hands
Eating a cue ball
Man jumps off roof
Fire Breathing Your Face On Fire
Not putting your car on brake
Car disappearance....!!
Never go full bend
Rat trap vs tongue (turns out to be vs teeth) // (no blood)
Dancing right next to a burning car nsfw
Pissing On A Fly Swatter
Grabbing the back of a moving truck
Licking an iron pole in freezing temperatures.
Naked run
Not looking while biking across the street
Directing Flames Towards The Aerosol Fire Extinguisher
Let's play with a machete and a watermelon, it will be fun!
Indian biker decided to drive on wrong side during wedding celebration
This is a good one, I hope it counts for WSP
This dude nearly just killed himself trying to get away from
kicking shin to shin
Handcuffs, a car, a blindfold, a cardboard and an incredibly
Wear your seatbelt
Throwing skateboards on black friday
Jumping off the roof of the house.
Trying to jump in a frozen lake while being naked
Parkour Accident
Drunk man kisses elephant, gets tossed! (survived, severely injured)
Petting an alligator
Street is just a drag strip
Jumping off a moving bike ...
HMFT after trying to climb a wall.
man puts firework in ass
Trying to be a professional wrestler
Guy thinks it's a good idea to tape firecrackers to his mouth
Mexican feminists breaking the glass roof
Dude bombing a hill on a bike eats shit
"Do it for the snaps"
Riding a moped full throttle through an uncontrolled intersection.
He just wanted to dance on the table
Fake poop? Real puke.
Leaning over the barrier for a closer look