videos / WTF

WTF vid #877314 Watch out for that door

Watch out for that door

WTF vid #87173 Escalator WTF moment!!

Escalator WTF moment!!

WTF vid #822647 Why just why

Why just why

WTF vid #744754 Child Eats Bird

Child Eats Bird

WTF vid #662842 Just a normal day at the job

Just a normal day at the job

WTF vid #1603870 Bold strategy, Cotton

Bold strategy, Cotton

WTF vid #1822906 Kids get the weirdest things stuck in their noses

Kids get the weirdest things stuck in their noses

WTF vid #1768962 Wait for it

Wait for it

WTF vid #3337842 I am speeeeeeed......oh no!

I am speeeeeeed......oh no!

WTF vid #414978 Brazilian driver using the car against robber.

Brazilian driver using the car against robber.

WTF vid #9264472 Who is the prey?

Who is the prey?

WTF vid #1465297 W. T. F. ?

W. T. F. ?

WTF vid #2230302 We had a home intruder today. He drank some juice, ate some yogurt,

We had a home intruder today. He drank some juice, ate some yogurt,

WTF vid #290520 Komodo Dragon swallowing a Monkey

Komodo Dragon swallowing a Monkey

WTF vid #368320 Traffic Problems in Qatar

Traffic Problems in Qatar

WTF vid #92082 Ass to pussy can't be safe (NSFW)

Ass to pussy can't be safe (NSFW)

WTF vid #372286 How can a toad even survive taking a dump this big???

How can a toad even survive taking a dump this big???

WTF vid #1103991 Look both sides before crossing the road!

Look both sides before crossing the road!

WTF vid #12412972 WTF did we find in the woods?

WTF did we find in the woods?

WTF vid #5209199 When a deer fight went wrong

When a deer fight went wrong

WTF vid #11716939 well I didn't expect that, I'll tell you that.

well I didn't expect that, I'll tell you that.

WTF vid #851670 Still not convinced this isn't porn

Still not convinced this isn't porn

WTF vid #191931 NSFW mistakes were made

NSFW mistakes were made

WTF vid #567510 Just a normal thing men do together

Just a normal thing men do together

WTF vid #1673370 a squirrel eating the head of a sparrow

a squirrel eating the head of a sparrow

WTF vid #5284826 This rash flashing like Rudolph's nose with my pulse.

This rash flashing like Rudolph's nose with my pulse.

WTF vid #424158 Piranhas doing what they do best

Piranhas doing what they do best

WTF vid #1698858 Waking up from a blackout, under a dead deer

Waking up from a blackout, under a dead deer

WTF vid #129497 WTF do people think will actually happen with these cliff jumps?

WTF do people think will actually happen with these cliff jumps?

WTF vid #1165922 Man un-electrocutes himself after electrocuting himself.

Man un-electrocutes himself after electrocuting himself.

WTF vid #966141 Firefighter still standing after a car explodes right in front

Firefighter still standing after a car explodes right in front

WTF vid #6637913 Killed a spider and this popped out scared the shit out of me

Killed a spider and this popped out scared the shit out of me

WTF vid #2308764 Oh deer!...

Oh deer!...

WTF vid #79771 Try it before you buy it. NSFW

Try it before you buy it. NSFW

WTF vid #1358291 This video seems pretty harmles....Whhhaaa

This video seems pretty harmles....Whhhaaa

WTF vid #10843222 Giant Ass Crack Steals Catalytic Converter

Giant Ass Crack Steals Catalytic Converter

WTF vid #1653052 WTF


WTF vid #1947943 So many questions, one answer - Russia.

So many questions, one answer - Russia.

WTF vid #3675447 I am tripping right now..

I am tripping right now..

WTF vid #9212439 Man lights cigarette without knowing there was a gas leak

Man lights cigarette without knowing there was a gas leak

WTF vid #16040000 Kid gets hit by car, gets up like nothing happened

Kid gets hit by car, gets up like nothing happened

WTF vid #2208611 Petting Lion goes wrong

Petting Lion goes wrong

WTF vid #358772 I think I’m fine [NSFW]

I think I’m fine [NSFW]

WTF vid #354903 I'm at a loss for words

I'm at a loss for words

WTF vid #5445360 Baboon why you eating your own cum (nsfw)

Baboon why you eating your own cum (nsfw)

WTF vid #1806051 Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays

WTF vid #300429 Swatted the biggest fly I've ever seen before and then found

Swatted the biggest fly I've ever seen before and then found

WTF vid #9192043 Bridge collapsing in Minas Gerais, Brazil today. [NSFW]

Bridge collapsing in Minas Gerais, Brazil today. [NSFW]