videos / Unexpected

Unexpected vid #7504443 Yogurt


Unexpected vid #8292672 Japan doing it again

Japan doing it again

Unexpected vid #19375951 No smoking pot

No smoking pot

Unexpected vid #1377430 I’m rock hard

I’m rock hard

Unexpected vid #24045325 JESUS!


Unexpected vid #7214752 He kept going didn't even stop

He kept going didn't even stop

Unexpected vid #23669860 What a view.

What a view.

Unexpected vid #7625635 When you want to party but you get too excited.

When you want to party but you get too excited.

Unexpected vid #19642534 Just your average 80’s slasher.

Just your average 80’s slasher.

Unexpected vid #38969087 My hands are clammy too.

My hands are clammy too.

Unexpected vid #3659828 As a matter of fact, I do :)

As a matter of fact, I do :)

Unexpected vid #22895316 Woman vs flamethrower

Woman vs flamethrower

Unexpected vid #1426038 Now that's some good coffee

Now that's some good coffee

Unexpected vid #27904443 Staying under the radar

Staying under the radar

Unexpected vid #8957907 When the cool teacher gets fired just for making teaching more

When the cool teacher gets fired just for making teaching more

Unexpected vid #24394572 Jackpot


Unexpected vid #8048345 Electrician


Unexpected vid #12316776 Supporting the racer

Supporting the racer

Unexpected vid #8179156 It's nice to be nice even in a rap battle

It's nice to be nice even in a rap battle

Unexpected vid #16549262 Lions fight and forget

Lions fight and forget

Unexpected vid #20137132 never seen a van like this before.

never seen a van like this before.

Unexpected vid #8331028 What does it want me to do?

What does it want me to do?

Unexpected vid #7950425 It's just a prank...

It's just a prank...

Unexpected vid #17235551 This Doomsday prepper got a rough wake up call when he didn’t

This Doomsday prepper got a rough wake up call when he didn’t

Unexpected vid #12550285 I'm just gonna put my arm in a alligators mouth, what could possibly

I'm just gonna put my arm in a alligators mouth, what could possibly

Unexpected vid #20562629 Bowling cummentator

Bowling cummentator

Unexpected vid #13034079 It is all about speed.

It is all about speed.

Unexpected vid #23126784 Watching and adult scene with your dad

Watching and adult scene with your dad

Unexpected vid #23840073 Inglorious participle

Inglorious participle

Unexpected vid #19162408 Monkey touching a bicep

Monkey touching a bicep

Unexpected vid #21509477 EYO DONALD!


Unexpected vid #11563374 That's one way to do it

That's one way to do it

Unexpected vid #20772275 True love right there

True love right there

Unexpected vid #1083247 VR porn's getting kinky

VR porn's getting kinky

Unexpected vid #21084151 Dog isn't really helping

Dog isn't really helping

Unexpected vid #18215900 Went to see the Taj Mahal, nobody told me the real sight seeing

Went to see the Taj Mahal, nobody told me the real sight seeing

Unexpected vid #17692667 For the streets

For the streets

Unexpected vid #4907539 When you fall asleep with Youtube playing...

When you fall asleep with Youtube playing...

Unexpected vid #24255867 Just a normal lighter unwrapping…

Just a normal lighter unwrapping…

Unexpected vid #17143665 If a girl do it, it’s ok?

If a girl do it, it’s ok?

Unexpected vid #22425688 Full version that everybody has never been able to see…

Full version that everybody has never been able to see…

Unexpected vid #21852722 So when a motorist hit another car in Cheektowaga NY, this was

So when a motorist hit another car in Cheektowaga NY, this was

Unexpected vid #769620 She's going to save her chickens, no matter what!

She's going to save her chickens, no matter what!

Unexpected vid #24285970 Somewhere in Russia a drunk guy tries to buy vodka

Somewhere in Russia a drunk guy tries to buy vodka

Unexpected vid #40796511 Jumped in blind and instantly understood why it’s the GOTY

Jumped in blind and instantly understood why it’s the GOTY

Unexpected vid #18829944 another day on the range w the boys

another day on the range w the boys

Unexpected vid #6955183 The Ups & Downs in Life....

The Ups & Downs in Life....

Unexpected vid #487544 Not today

Not today