videos / TheDonsXXXcaptions

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #21247455 What? Does that mean they all have done her? For a long time?

What? Does that mean they all have done her? For a long time?

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #15861827 The question is: did you lie to your brother or did you really

The question is: did you lie to your brother or did you really

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #16116297 It seems she likes to tease him...

It seems she likes to tease him...

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #10783583 With her popularity, her job safety is pretty high...

With her popularity, her job safety is pretty high...

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #17057724 I don't know whether I like my wife's friends or not...

I don't know whether I like my wife's friends or not...

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #19120873 So… you left your horny girlfriend in the same apartment as

So… you left your horny girlfriend in the same apartment as

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #11828103 We like the arrangement

We like the arrangement

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #9580579 Seems like your brother just challenged you...

Seems like your brother just challenged you...

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #20518796 It seems my wife’s student is a fast learner. He might become

It seems my wife’s student is a fast learner. He might become

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #12835797 Is it not the obvious thing to do?

Is it not the obvious thing to do?

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #11060428 Remember, your girl may catch feelings for him…

Remember, your girl may catch feelings for him…

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #10564562 Doing it in private is one thing, but being filmed...?

Doing it in private is one thing, but being filmed...?

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #16849590 But I guess you knew, didn’t you?

But I guess you knew, didn’t you?

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #10761244 Your buddy came by, but you were not at home...

Your buddy came by, but you were not at home...

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #9075731 When your son makes you proud

When your son makes you proud

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #18217334 What would you do if you got this from your daughter next summer?

What would you do if you got this from your daughter next summer?

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #22529612 Mornings are our special bonding time

Mornings are our special bonding time

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #8984078 Everyone remember their wedding day...

Everyone remember their wedding day...

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #11026761 When your girl cheats on you with her brother

When your girl cheats on you with her brother

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #11403968 A message from your wife’s ex

A message from your wife’s ex

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #8724223 Is your daughter doing the same to get money for shopping, or

Is your daughter doing the same to get money for shopping, or

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #17363964 When your wife decides to ensure your career moves in the right

When your wife decides to ensure your career moves in the right

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #8353973 Is this the best or worst message to send your brother?

Is this the best or worst message to send your brother?

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #20706149 So, your wife is the reason your career is on track?

So, your wife is the reason your career is on track?

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #24854357 So, you didn’t believe him?

So, you didn’t believe him?

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #15357547 Seems there is trouble in the family…

Seems there is trouble in the family…

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #20620517 I thought she would just dance for the guys, but her slut instincts

I thought she would just dance for the guys, but her slut instincts

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #17628825 Ok… I might have sent this message to my friend just to brag.

Ok… I might have sent this message to my friend just to brag.

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #18217381 It was not a good idea to challenge her on that…

It was not a good idea to challenge her on that…

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #12920340 I am impressed with how she took it in the end…

I am impressed with how she took it in the end…

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #23648980 It’s in the genes...

It’s in the genes...

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #16324288 Fertility clinics are too expensive…

Fertility clinics are too expensive…

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #17248831 With promotions come new responsibilities…

With promotions come new responsibilities…

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #15012075 You got to invest time in family -especially when they ask you

You got to invest time in family -especially when they ask you

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #22972172 Not what you expected to see from your dad?

Not what you expected to see from your dad?

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #16163394 It runs in the family

It runs in the family

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #17537667 Expected or anticipated message?

Expected or anticipated message?

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #9390437 Underwater auntie

Underwater auntie

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #16101664 The temptation of the younger version

The temptation of the younger version

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #8337932 My sister-in-law makes my marriage better

My sister-in-law makes my marriage better

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #15323848 Maybe she is the perfect aunt?

Maybe she is the perfect aunt?

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #18670834 Hey, have you seen this new message from your girl’s ex?

Hey, have you seen this new message from your girl’s ex?

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #17808265 My daughter started cleaning my brother’s house…

My daughter started cleaning my brother’s house…

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #17392918 When your dirty talk turns out to be real - and your wife acts

When your dirty talk turns out to be real - and your wife acts

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #19367721 Would you do the same?

Would you do the same?

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #21415984 At least she waited?

At least she waited?

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #23604602 After begging your wife to become a hotwife…

After begging your wife to become a hotwife…

TheDonsXXXcaptions vid #16970446 Seems she just told you to keep you from understanding why she

Seems she just told you to keep you from understanding why she