videos / MostShocking

MostShocking vid #3782871 Woman with late stage breast cancer

Woman with late stage breast cancer

MostShocking vid #1873672 Aftermath of a man who bled out from a severe injury. Context

Aftermath of a man who bled out from a severe injury. Context

MostShocking vid #2434564 Students being taught how to perform a cerebral exam at a university

Students being taught how to perform a cerebral exam at a university

MostShocking vid #3782727 Two police officers are shot by a suspect while they tried to

Two police officers are shot by a suspect while they tried to

MostShocking vid #2512624 Sky burial in Tibet

Sky burial in Tibet

MostShocking vid #1735409 Man argues with pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong, they dump

Man argues with pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong, they dump

MostShocking vid #3978296 Cuban man's face destroyed by the flesh eating disease

Cuban man's face destroyed by the flesh eating disease

MostShocking vid #1970768 Hong Kong man “falling” out of a 29th story window.

Hong Kong man “falling” out of a 29th story window.

MostShocking vid #2650780 Gang members in South America hold down and brand a man for being

Gang members in South America hold down and brand a man for being

MostShocking vid #1873715 Udmurt State University's Institute of Humanities director immolates

Udmurt State University's Institute of Humanities director immolates

MostShocking vid #1842781 Surgeon performing a facelift

Surgeon performing a facelift

MostShocking vid #1620058 Miscarried fetus still alive and moving

Miscarried fetus still alive and moving

MostShocking vid #1770338 Two men executed by firing squad in Guatemala. Due to one of

Two men executed by firing squad in Guatemala. Due to one of

MostShocking vid #2143917 Crucified man left up to decompose

Crucified man left up to decompose

MostShocking vid #2037331 Man commits suicide by slitting his own throat in front of police

Man commits suicide by slitting his own throat in front of police

MostShocking vid #1654166 Shocking a heart back into proper rhythm

Shocking a heart back into proper rhythm

MostShocking vid #2206716 Protesters in India shot and beaten in the streets by the government

Protesters in India shot and beaten in the streets by the government

MostShocking vid #2023547 Wild dog eating human remains

Wild dog eating human remains

MostShocking vid #1706785 Doorbell camera shows woman being kidnapped in LA

Doorbell camera shows woman being kidnapped in LA

MostShocking vid #1873690 Mass poisoning in a Brazilian prison

Mass poisoning in a Brazilian prison

MostShocking vid #2488913 Remains of a child found inside a crocodile in Indonesia

Remains of a child found inside a crocodile in Indonesia

MostShocking vid #1718714 Children playing jump rope with a dead snake

Children playing jump rope with a dead snake

MostShocking vid #1852732 Man takes off his facial prosthetics

Man takes off his facial prosthetics

MostShocking vid #2023569 People forced to jump out of a burning building in India

People forced to jump out of a burning building in India

MostShocking vid #2688386 Audio of the Jacksonville Landing shooting in Jacksonville Florida,

Audio of the Jacksonville Landing shooting in Jacksonville Florida,

MostShocking vid #1842678 Bullet removal

Bullet removal

MostShocking vid #2145048 Man is chased down and mauled by a pack of dogs

Man is chased down and mauled by a pack of dogs

MostShocking vid #2650741 Houston police shoot an unarmed man on his knees 27 times

Houston police shoot an unarmed man on his knees 27 times

MostShocking vid #2161818 Shark attack victim being dragged back onto the beach by lifeguards

Shark attack victim being dragged back onto the beach by lifeguards

MostShocking vid #2434316 Japanese girl jumps in front of a train as it pulls into the

Japanese girl jumps in front of a train as it pulls into the

MostShocking vid #3249165 Thief being publically beaten as punishment for stealing in Africa

Thief being publically beaten as punishment for stealing in Africa

MostShocking vid #2829251 Man walking around with a shovel in his shoulder

Man walking around with a shovel in his shoulder

MostShocking vid #1770399 Jet Ski explodes while father and son are riding it

Jet Ski explodes while father and son are riding it

MostShocking vid #2434624 Thoracotomy performed in the ambulance so paramedics can manually

Thoracotomy performed in the ambulance so paramedics can manually

MostShocking vid #1690403 Lion grabs hold of a man and drags him away

Lion grabs hold of a man and drags him away

MostShocking vid #1690378 Guy with a knife in his back gets up and walks out of the hospital

Guy with a knife in his back gets up and walks out of the hospital

MostShocking vid #1698589 Substitute teacher punches and stomps on a student

Substitute teacher punches and stomps on a student

MostShocking vid #1726221 Worker impaled through a rebar upside down

Worker impaled through a rebar upside down

MostShocking vid #1770291 Man tries to jump over a flaming bar using his friends as a step,

Man tries to jump over a flaming bar using his friends as a step,

MostShocking vid #1778504 Military officer whipping a prisoner

Military officer whipping a prisoner

MostShocking vid #2037255 Thief stripped and beaten by members of the community

Thief stripped and beaten by members of the community

MostShocking vid #1583177 White Supremacist knocks out black man and Sieg Heils over his

White Supremacist knocks out black man and Sieg Heils over his

MostShocking vid #2688350 The Ahmund Arbrey shooting video. Amund was reportedly jogging

The Ahmund Arbrey shooting video. Amund was reportedly jogging

MostShocking vid #1744907 Machete fight duos in a South American slum

Machete fight duos in a South American slum

MostShocking vid #1583224 Lion attacks and mauls his trainer, lion is then shot

Lion attacks and mauls his trainer, lion is then shot

MostShocking vid #1834911 UPS driver is shot by police attempting to crawl away from his

UPS driver is shot by police attempting to crawl away from his

MostShocking vid #1726132 Robber hits a man over the head from behind, proceeds to rob

Robber hits a man over the head from behind, proceeds to rob

MostShocking vid #2434288 Doctors perform vision tests with patient who has a knife stuck

Doctors perform vision tests with patient who has a knife stuck