videos / MakeMyCoffin

MakeMyCoffin vid #3600960 MMC after we lift up an electricity pole

MMC after we lift up an electricity pole

MakeMyCoffin vid #6432899 MMC after i get hit by lightning while protecting myself from

MMC after i get hit by lightning while protecting myself from

MakeMyCoffin vid #6444202 MMC after we were run over by a truck

MMC after we were run over by a truck

MakeMyCoffin vid #4964999 MMC after I attack a cop

MMC after I attack a cop

MakeMyCoffin vid #4248683 MMC after girl takes serious blow in horse accident.

MMC after girl takes serious blow in horse accident.

MakeMyCoffin vid #4409940 MMC after this battery explodes

MMC after this battery explodes

MakeMyCoffin vid #4513641 MMC after I run from cover to cover

MMC after I run from cover to cover

MakeMyCoffin vid #6104619 MMC after I try to stab someone

MMC after I try to stab someone

MakeMyCoffin vid #3651430 MMC after I shoot myself

MMC after I shoot myself

MakeMyCoffin vid #6403667 MMC after our residential complex collapses

MMC after our residential complex collapses

MakeMyCoffin vid #5306808 MMC after I get drown in mud

MMC after I get drown in mud

MakeMyCoffin vid #6506088 MMC After i by electrocute myself

MMC After i by electrocute myself

MakeMyCoffin vid #4976894 MMC after some more final destination shit

MMC after some more final destination shit

MakeMyCoffin vid #5847926 MMC after I got torn in half in an accident

MMC after I got torn in half in an accident

MakeMyCoffin vid #5884174 MMC after I get stabbed while sleeping

MMC after I get stabbed while sleeping

MakeMyCoffin vid #2952537 MMC after I get eaten by an escalator

MMC after I get eaten by an escalator

MakeMyCoffin vid #5881642 MMC after I try to eat some food

MMC after I try to eat some food

MakeMyCoffin vid #2989757 MMC after i get knocked out twice

MMC after i get knocked out twice

MakeMyCoffin vid #6396910 MMC after I fail to position myself properly on the train tracks

MMC after I fail to position myself properly on the train tracks

MakeMyCoffin vid #4427872 MMC after I try to stop this speeding vehicle

MMC after I try to stop this speeding vehicle

MakeMyCoffin vid #5088214 MMC after I don't make it across the street

MMC after I don't make it across the street

MakeMyCoffin vid #4589970 mmc after a drive by shooting

mmc after a drive by shooting

MakeMyCoffin vid #6050448 MMC after I was smeared by a truck

MMC after I was smeared by a truck

MakeMyCoffin vid #4979852 MMC after my innards are ejected after I get run over

MMC after my innards are ejected after I get run over

MakeMyCoffin vid #3172358 MMC after I abuse a bus driver

MMC after I abuse a bus driver

MakeMyCoffin vid #6012568 MMC after we get hit by a truck

MMC after we get hit by a truck

MakeMyCoffin vid #4965828 MMC after I decide to dive under bus!

MMC after I decide to dive under bus!

MakeMyCoffin vid #3765352 MMC after I get crushed by a garage

MMC after I get crushed by a garage

MakeMyCoffin vid #4523114 MMC after I kick a burning car

MMC after I kick a burning car

MakeMyCoffin vid #4442641 MMC after we fail to pay our debts

MMC after we fail to pay our debts

MakeMyCoffin vid #4670173 MMC after amusement park failure part 3

MMC after amusement park failure part 3

MakeMyCoffin vid #6251685 MMC after I try welding

MMC after I try welding

MakeMyCoffin vid #5588571 MMC after I dare to repost the infamous lathe video

MMC after I dare to repost the infamous lathe video

MakeMyCoffin vid #4599582 MMC after I tamper with some power lines

MMC after I tamper with some power lines

MakeMyCoffin vid #4169826 MMC after nature takes me out

MMC after nature takes me out

MakeMyCoffin vid #6083560 MMC after I was crushed by a truck

MMC after I was crushed by a truck

MakeMyCoffin vid #5975637 MMC after our heads were destroyed after a double homicide

MMC after our heads were destroyed after a double homicide

MakeMyCoffin vid #4586549 MMC after I race this train

MMC after I race this train

MakeMyCoffin vid #3515242 MMC after I ski down a hill

MMC after I ski down a hill

MakeMyCoffin vid #6387508 MMC after I get shot repeatedly through my car window

MMC after I get shot repeatedly through my car window

MakeMyCoffin vid #5934822 MMC after I also fall off a building while naked

MMC after I also fall off a building while naked

MakeMyCoffin vid #6441589 MMC after a Yemen IED wipes out Saudi UAE troops

MMC after a Yemen IED wipes out Saudi UAE troops

MakeMyCoffin vid #4511278 MMC after I'm randomly attacked in SF

MMC after I'm randomly attacked in SF

MakeMyCoffin vid #4934216 MMC after I attempt a hanging challenge for social media

MMC after I attempt a hanging challenge for social media

MakeMyCoffin vid #4491553 MMC after I drive into these people

MMC after I drive into these people

MakeMyCoffin vid #4596686 MMC after I dive into a subway

MMC after I dive into a subway

MakeMyCoffin vid #4532241 MMC after I’m spun into vapor

MMC after I’m spun into vapor

MakeMyCoffin vid #4218869 MMC after I speed on this bumpy road

MMC after I speed on this bumpy road