Twinkie Car Wash
Stalker cop tries to make Herk into Rosa Parks
The end of the first Fedsmoker mobile
Fedsmoker apologizes to good cop he mistook for a Chomo
Meets super fan / fights dog at 3:30
Punk steps up to Fedsmoker
It's Time!!!! Aaaarrrrggghh
Showing off his shiny new fedsmoker mobile
The sound of power.
Car Trouble
FedSmoker leaves the Chief a voicemail
Singing a duet in the bar with a new friend
Herk calls a Taxi
Herk makes a complaint after a cop steals his "Umbilical cord
Fedsmoker is starstruck by "famous Golfbouncer Michael Avery"
Fedsmoker calls the White House looking for the Secret Service.
Problems at the BurgerKing..
Herksters late night tattoo party
Herk buys food for a stranger in need
Fedsmokers Mother
Herk contemplates life while smoking something
Someone stole Fedsmokers drugs
Herk cant get through to the FBI
The Butterfly Effect
Fedsmoker = Gunslinger
Bixbi is gay
Fedsmokers take on COVID 19
The FBI force Google to delete his account again
At the State Attorney's Office to expose Officer Wood
Favorite Tree
A Fedsmoker original love song acapella
Fedsmoker kept from seeing his mother on her death bed.
Fedsmoker vs drunk driver
Conald Petersen - Storm Chaser
Herk being cool on a train.
Officer Brooks, one bad apple
Officer Hale receives the stamp
Fedsmoker stamps Tom Cruise
DJ Herksters Trump remix
Fedsmoker calls Kemp pt2
Drunk punk spits on Herks car, almost gets beat down
Fedsmoker protests Obama outside a Naval Air Station.
Herk helps investigate a robbery