videos / KidsAreFuckingStupid

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #392849 Stupid runs in the family.

Stupid runs in the family.

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #12217529 What supporting a sports team does to a child

What supporting a sports team does to a child

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #1096207 ... Bullseye (NSFW)

... Bullseye (NSFW)

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #22957335 Would've thought they were playing in traffic...

Would've thought they were playing in traffic...

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #429715 When Mister Brown's knocking

When Mister Brown's knocking

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #8013611 This kid didnt know what to put into his video to make more views

This kid didnt know what to put into his video to make more views

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #4231495 Touch the ball

Touch the ball

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #1449647 Rude kids attack a grown man

Rude kids attack a grown man

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #11201772 here is part two to the kid who brought in the skunk to his house

here is part two to the kid who brought in the skunk to his house

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #3750151 Ow shit

Ow shit

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #1418660 I hate middleschoolers with a passion

I hate middleschoolers with a passion

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #9582278 Marking the cake

Marking the cake

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #4191940 Kid gets the wind knocked out of himself.

Kid gets the wind knocked out of himself.

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #1104755 Please look both sides of the road before crossing

Please look both sides of the road before crossing

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #2145690 Mom takes daughter to Spencer’s for earrings. Kid had other

Mom takes daughter to Spencer’s for earrings. Kid had other

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #17817800 Thanks Tay Tay

Thanks Tay Tay

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #557649 Numbers are aggravating

Numbers are aggravating

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #373933 He had to go

He had to go

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #2429269 Jesus christ. What made them think this was a good idea?!

Jesus christ. What made them think this was a good idea?!

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #3426451 Apparently taxes make all ages cry

Apparently taxes make all ages cry

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #11201784 part 1 of kid brings skunk into house

part 1 of kid brings skunk into house

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #15205184 a video of a kid and his mother dancing to ed sheeran's "perfect"

a video of a kid and his mother dancing to ed sheeran's "perfect"

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #630694 Kid saying F and B

Kid saying F and B

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #22492793 My kids interpretation of some graffiti that he found

My kids interpretation of some graffiti that he found

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #355624 Giving yourself a golden shower

Giving yourself a golden shower

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #7711182 Steven vs. dead sea lion. Dead sea lion for the win!

Steven vs. dead sea lion. Dead sea lion for the win!

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #1381208 wobbly sausage

wobbly sausage

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #16267528 kids started tuktuk and barely survived.

kids started tuktuk and barely survived.

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #11551143 Trevor (GTA-V) kids be like :

Trevor (GTA-V) kids be like :

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #3762401 when not to smrt

when not to smrt

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #16477599 This kid is fucking racist and stupid. WHERE ARE YOUR PARENTS.

This kid is fucking racist and stupid. WHERE ARE YOUR PARENTS.

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #1175114 Wobbly Sausage

Wobbly Sausage

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #2177761 Niece thought she was slick...

Niece thought she was slick...

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #2280954 I'll make my dog listen to me play the vuvuzela.

I'll make my dog listen to me play the vuvuzela.

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #1510049 This is what kids do with $150 chairs

This is what kids do with $150 chairs

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #1970770 Brain damage time 😎

Brain damage time 😎

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #3062757 My dads story during Cards Against Humanity

My dads story during Cards Against Humanity

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #18775142 Some weird Bollywood railway safety video.

Some weird Bollywood railway safety video.

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #4320229 I love you, Caramelo!

I love you, Caramelo!

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #1251414 These kids have learnt Racism at such a young age

These kids have learnt Racism at such a young age

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #4306246 In February of 2013, I recorded a round of Pokemon Showdown with

In February of 2013, I recorded a round of Pokemon Showdown with

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #17093585 Itchy ear? Let's scratch it with Kleenex.

Itchy ear? Let's scratch it with Kleenex.

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #3201495 A couple teens egged my neighbor AGAIN last night! And they brought

A couple teens egged my neighbor AGAIN last night! And they brought

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #39199778 E-hailing driver was almost stabbed after nagging a 13 Y/O for

E-hailing driver was almost stabbed after nagging a 13 Y/O for

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #2401070 I hate YouTube at 3:00 pm

I hate YouTube at 3:00 pm

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #1490970 Brrbrrttttbrrrttt


KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #1989649 NSFW Lesson #72 - How to Pronounce 'Euro'

NSFW Lesson #72 - How to Pronounce 'Euro'

KidsAreFuckingStupid vid #30718955 AH, MY EYE. I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO GET BABY PRESSURE IN IT