videos / JusticeServed

JusticeServed vid #3193435 Today makes 5 years that Francisco, a homeless man in Brazil,

Today makes 5 years that Francisco, a homeless man in Brazil,

JusticeServed vid #10372894 Bodega Cashier Shoot Back!

Bodega Cashier Shoot Back!

JusticeServed vid #1657346 Hijacking gone wrong

Hijacking gone wrong

JusticeServed vid #16138886 Proper way to end a Police chase

Proper way to end a Police chase

JusticeServed vid #7088378 A Thai Police known as "Joe Ferrari" tortured drug suspect till

A Thai Police known as "Joe Ferrari" tortured drug suspect till

JusticeServed vid #1259139 Man open fires in store, gets shot immediately.

Man open fires in store, gets shot immediately.

JusticeServed vid #467477 Man quickly faces adversity

Man quickly faces adversity

JusticeServed vid #3585750 Out gunned

Out gunned

JusticeServed vid #1045383 When they have a gun but you do too

When they have a gun but you do too

JusticeServed vid #4932628 The moment two Knights Templar Cartel sicarios, responsible for

The moment two Knights Templar Cartel sicarios, responsible for

JusticeServed vid #278424 Swinging for the fences!

Swinging for the fences!

JusticeServed vid #545457 Dude saves old lady.

Dude saves old lady.

JusticeServed vid #166256 Robbery goes wrong

Robbery goes wrong

JusticeServed vid #459651 Cops Easily Stop Thug With A Hostage

Cops Easily Stop Thug With A Hostage

JusticeServed vid #691217 Guy claiming to be part of ISIS throws rocks and attempts to

Guy claiming to be part of ISIS throws rocks and attempts to

JusticeServed vid #2781500 What You Put Out Is What You GetBack

What You Put Out Is What You GetBack

JusticeServed vid #2023861 thieves try to steal a car on a Brazilian avenue, but the driver

thieves try to steal a car on a Brazilian avenue, but the driver

JusticeServed vid #1092157 Man cases house, gets more than he can chew

Man cases house, gets more than he can chew

JusticeServed vid #186179 Man who tries to rob a gun shop gets what we all expect

Man who tries to rob a gun shop gets what we all expect

JusticeServed vid #2869626 Police chase and shootout in Texas

Police chase and shootout in Texas

JusticeServed vid #1705244 Guy starts a fight with a guy walking away and serves himself

Guy starts a fight with a guy walking away and serves himself

JusticeServed vid #1521836 Robber chooses the wrong victim:

Robber chooses the wrong victim:

JusticeServed vid #605773 Guy gets shot trying to rob some people in front of a school

Guy gets shot trying to rob some people in front of a school

JusticeServed vid #265101 Officer shoots through windshield at suspects in a stolen vehicle

Officer shoots through windshield at suspects in a stolen vehicle

JusticeServed vid #2440785 Guy steals a policemans weapon

Guy steals a policemans weapon

JusticeServed vid #1125529 Robbers get in hot water when they try to assault a jewelry and

Robbers get in hot water when they try to assault a jewelry and

JusticeServed vid #1138816 Robbers make stupid move trying to invade the house of an Off

Robbers make stupid move trying to invade the house of an Off

JusticeServed vid #1511219 Thieves, intending on robbing a bank, attack the guard standing

Thieves, intending on robbing a bank, attack the guard standing

JusticeServed vid #3048687 Let me quickly throw this from balcony

Let me quickly throw this from balcony

JusticeServed vid #1769566 NSFW Man shot dead by police in London

NSFW Man shot dead by police in London

JusticeServed vid #413716 SWAT neutralizes a hostage taker

SWAT neutralizes a hostage taker

JusticeServed vid #2001530 customer says something disrespectful about McDonald’s employee’s

customer says something disrespectful about McDonald’s employee’s

JusticeServed vid #10792002 Crazy lady with a knife.

Crazy lady with a knife.

JusticeServed vid #69644 And snap goes the neck

And snap goes the neck

JusticeServed vid #9972537 Robbers take a ride in the black car. Both arrested.

Robbers take a ride in the black car. Both arrested.

JusticeServed vid #2002215 As he wrestles with a victim a robber is fatally shot

As he wrestles with a victim a robber is fatally shot

JusticeServed vid #587860 Man taken out by his own gun after pulling it in a bar.

Man taken out by his own gun after pulling it in a bar.

JusticeServed vid #289203 Man chases down his robbers and crushes them against the wall

Man chases down his robbers and crushes them against the wall

JusticeServed vid #362744 Thug Tried to Rob the Wrong Guy

Thug Tried to Rob the Wrong Guy

JusticeServed vid #460288 Elder Killer Gets Shot By Police

Elder Killer Gets Shot By Police

JusticeServed vid #459635 Thug Tries to Mess with Peoples' Lives

Thug Tries to Mess with Peoples' Lives

JusticeServed vid #1683358 He tried to steal the cop's gun

He tried to steal the cop's gun

JusticeServed vid #2771704 88 Time Convicted Felon Meets Police

88 Time Convicted Felon Meets Police

JusticeServed vid #2814468 How did they manage to do that?

How did they manage to do that?

JusticeServed vid #635697 Man was denied entry to nightclub then pulled a gun on a man

Man was denied entry to nightclub then pulled a gun on a man

JusticeServed vid #560289 police officer kills robber at gas station in Brazil

police officer kills robber at gas station in Brazil

JusticeServed vid #560913 Road thieves try to stop a car but it hits one of them

Road thieves try to stop a car but it hits one of them

JusticeServed vid #1353333 Robber killed with his own gun

Robber killed with his own gun