“We took our golden retriever to a dog park for the first time
Pit's face is half torn off, but that doesn't stop him from attacking
Ripped off her lip
Pitbull attacking two cows
Pitbull tasered and shot by police while in the process of mauling
Two bull terriers attacked a 67 year old woman and her bernese
Pitbull at Dog Daycare
Pitbull runs up and attacks mother and her dog while her baby
What’s a pit doing in a library? Does anyone have details on
The same as any other breed.
Pitbull mauling a goat
[NSFW] What sticking your finger up its butt really achieves
[WARNING - GRAPHIC] Detroit usps worker attacked (2019)
I saw this on the front page of my youtube..."four lies told
Submitted without comment.
Pitbull comes out of no where and kills a small dog
The second time this has happened, apparently. Who would own
why would you take them on walks if you wan't control them
ITS 100% THE DOG AND NOT THE OWNER. I feel so bad for all these
NSFL/GRAPHIC: “My pit bull had 7 puppies and she killed 5 of
2 Pits bulls attack a 4 year old girl, Gaziantep, Turkey. (SOUND
Alleged robber gets mauled by nanny dogs. (reupload, cleared
NSFL: very disturbing footage of a male pit attacking a female
Follow up to the video I posted a couple days ago of the bully
Part 2 of the pit bull and cat "playing". Video caption: "okay
POS Pitbull mutilates Golden Retriever. Owners and several bystanders
Shit Bull enters Ladies home and murders her Cat right in front
Baby JJs scalp progress
Pits drag owner to attack a cat in its own yard.
Pitbull latches onto a horse's face
Caught his tongue in his crate trying to escape & completely
*GRAPHIC* Pitbull kills another dog, no owner in sight.
No additional context. Infuriating.
Just awful — poor lizard thing (turn off your audio to avoid
Three pit bulls maul a stray dog through a fence (extreme NSFL,
Pitbulls kill their weaker mate
Pitbull biting a street dog's leg
[Violence, dog attack, WARNING] It took FOUR ADULT MEN several
pitbull escapes and attacks man selling firewood, luckily the
"September 14, 2023, England, Man mauled to death by neighbor's
Well landed strike with 2x4 ends pit attack.
2 year old attacked in Mexico by 2 bullies. 2022
Pitbull refuses to stop mauling a poodle, despite multiple blows
pitbulls attack dog through gate
Pitbull mauls cat to death on a busy street in broad daylight.
Pet dog bites kid in Noida, India
Pack of pits attack another dog
pack of pit bulls vs Animal Control & cops [NSFL]