I just beat Gavin from 3rd grade AMA
Levy Horny?
The Queens Gambit by Chris Martin (@ChrisMcomedy on Twitter)
He refused en passant.
When your opponent declines en passant so you get to drop a brick
I think this is my best match yet!
Is this theory?
Am I doing this right?
Fuck your London. Opponent resigned
Had his mf reverse gangbanged 🥱
Double En Passant
Feel free to point out my (black) mistakes and suggest better
hands keymann pls dont sue me
Poopoo in pampers
When you post about your “journey” to 2000 blitz
Dude was extremely cocky and rude after defeating me in a fairly
Yeah I'm talking about you r/chess
I don't have a chess set so I decided to try my hand at whittling.
Mans clearly been bricked before.
IM Andras knows how the KNIGHT moves ... what a legend!
I’ve finally hit rock bottom (w)…we just had 20+ consecutive
Getting mated by my queen
Am I doing it right ?
Tiktok video
Tried to sac my queen, opponent declined. Wanted mate instead.
This post was made by the anti-passant gang.
Looks like petrosyan was angry for not being invited in conference...
Drunk and High and Doja cat.
AnavhyChess one more fucking knock meme and I’m activating
What move was this? I don't recall...
Nest of....
My favorite line of the Sodium attack
How? Why it's allowed?!
POV: You didn’t take en passant against r/AnarchyChess users
Ballpark Chess History Ep.1 “Fischer vs. Kasperssky”
What did I accidentally do??? Is this the new chess update???
En Passant for the Win!
Help me.
fast&docile 13, random bullshit drift
grandmaster balls vs ball breaking brick
Screw it true anarchychess
Chess for mating? Tips by a GM
Ughhh… What ??
funky bobby what he doin