videos / PoliticalFaithPlay

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #3955535 Spic Maids...

Spic Maids...

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #4050564 Feminist Corruption Gone Wrong... Matriarchy versus Patriarchy.

Feminist Corruption Gone Wrong... Matriarchy versus Patriarchy.

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #2884457 Curing my daughter’s mental illness without external therapy

Curing my daughter’s mental illness without external therapy

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #5068791 White women love cuckqueaning POC women and maintaining superiority

White women love cuckqueaning POC women and maintaining superiority

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #3886439 Anything for a green-card to another country. Any country, really.

Anything for a green-card to another country. Any country, really.

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #6454977 They all love 99 things, and a spic male isn’t one of them

They all love 99 things, and a spic male isn’t one of them

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #3086792 Average Tumblr Feminazi’s Wet Dream Versus Reality

Average Tumblr Feminazi’s Wet Dream Versus Reality

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #6187067 Lying to AOC while you date of your newly discovered political

Lying to AOC while you date of your newly discovered political

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #3525030 Bernie was your only chance, but now you will decide between

Bernie was your only chance, but now you will decide between

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #4781109 BASED Switzerland

BASED Switzerland

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #5039243 Short lived dyke phase...

Short lived dyke phase...

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #4762734 In the end, Ching’s biological urge to worship caused her to

In the end, Ching’s biological urge to worship caused her to

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #4353792 Look how thankful they are for their mommy to show them right

Look how thankful they are for their mommy to show them right

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #3845552 Korea failing to stop the rising sun doomed most of East/South

Korea failing to stop the rising sun doomed most of East/South

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #3924368 Stacy felt no remorse as she bit her lip (Deplorable Karen Household

Stacy felt no remorse as she bit her lip (Deplorable Karen Household

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #3086797 My Daughter has brought me Conversion Therapy patients since

My Daughter has brought me Conversion Therapy patients since

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #3643585 A loyal hound to sniff out the traitors in the heathen midst...

A loyal hound to sniff out the traitors in the heathen midst...

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #3450343 A single lick from the neon haired dyke goddess and your sister

A single lick from the neon haired dyke goddess and your sister

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #3479619 Texas & California was only the beginning...

Texas & California was only the beginning...

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #4859744 Feeling second hand embarrassed, she felt her ideology radicalizing...

Feeling second hand embarrassed, she felt her ideology radicalizing...

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #4965582 Scotland women always loved going on long walks while it still

Scotland women always loved going on long walks while it still

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #3955402 Trying to increase voter turnout for her party...

Trying to increase voter turnout for her party...

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #4001982 How else do you think Indians make more than any other ethnicity

How else do you think Indians make more than any other ethnicity

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #4438944 Grateful for her dependency...

Grateful for her dependency...

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #3352500 Delusional Hillbilly Crackers...

Delusional Hillbilly Crackers...

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #4227194 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, or AOC, discovers she’s all alone

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, or AOC, discovers she’s all alone

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #3982025 They’re desperate for food, even if it must come out of a mayonnaise’s

They’re desperate for food, even if it must come out of a mayonnaise’s

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #4825255 The entirety of Asia is beyond thankful for the extermination

The entirety of Asia is beyond thankful for the extermination

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #2853687 Religious Conversation in front of her religious leader father

Religious Conversation in front of her religious leader father

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #3480620 Cracker discover other races possess culture

Cracker discover other races possess culture

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #4825904 Ever wonder why Haram girls are 500% happier than Halal girls?

Ever wonder why Haram girls are 500% happier than Halal girls?

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #3118537 Your monkey sister on the streets versus in bed

Your monkey sister on the streets versus in bed

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #4224380 Never forgetting her roots...

Never forgetting her roots...

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #4303214 Republican Blonde Goddess doing what a Republican man never could—

Republican Blonde Goddess doing what a Republican man never could—

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #4873672 American Goddess Utters every Japanese’s trigger words.

American Goddess Utters every Japanese’s trigger words.

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #5062054 Ally turned Oppressor after witnessing the truth...

Ally turned Oppressor after witnessing the truth...

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #3654593 I must admit, watching the crackers go through the denial phase

I must admit, watching the crackers go through the denial phase

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #3815257 They always cry Haram before giving in...

They always cry Haram before giving in...

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #4863049 That’s all the 45000 donation was worth to her. You were still

That’s all the 45000 donation was worth to her. You were still

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #5033557 Who would’ve guessed?

Who would’ve guessed?

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #5068813 Limey Brit versus Indian Tiktok... White brits yearn for ethnic

Limey Brit versus Indian Tiktok... White brits yearn for ethnic

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #3815274 Deep down, even they knew Christianity was nothing but a joke...

Deep down, even they knew Christianity was nothing but a joke...

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #3923234 She couldn’t pass off the 2-for-1 opportunity...

She couldn’t pass off the 2-for-1 opportunity...

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #4753360 She looked so cute when she stopped resisting her desire to grow...

She looked so cute when she stopped resisting her desire to grow...

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #5059065 Newly formed Chinese, Indian, & Japanese alliance made to

Newly formed Chinese, Indian, & Japanese alliance made to

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #6336371 Her choice is pretty clear...

Her choice is pretty clear...

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #6230845 Acceptance of a White Female Matriarchy society saw an astonishing

Acceptance of a White Female Matriarchy society saw an astonishing

PoliticalFaithPlay vid #4439493 Remorseless evil mother...

Remorseless evil mother...