videos / HeinousHumanity

HeinousHumanity vid #40776009 Man DIES after touching metal pole to electrical wire

Man DIES after touching metal pole to electrical wire

HeinousHumanity vid #38117787 YAHOO!!!


HeinousHumanity vid #40687782 Police officer, 7 inmates die in Paraguay prison.

Police officer, 7 inmates die in Paraguay prison.

HeinousHumanity vid #39512348 Fucked around and found out

Fucked around and found out

HeinousHumanity vid #39088708 How is he still alive

How is he still alive

HeinousHumanity vid #40338030 How dumb can you be?

How dumb can you be?

HeinousHumanity vid #40557973 Woman shot after approaching police officer with knife

Woman shot after approaching police officer with knife

HeinousHumanity vid #38217205 Portland at it's finest 🙏

Portland at it's finest 🙏

HeinousHumanity vid #40798085 Man tries to sneak past truck and gets run over

Man tries to sneak past truck and gets run over

HeinousHumanity vid #37897025 Intruder is killed by home owner in Bolivia (Can skip to 1:55

Intruder is killed by home owner in Bolivia (Can skip to 1:55

HeinousHumanity vid #40173115 Casual day in Chicago

Casual day in Chicago

HeinousHumanity vid #38416544 Insane rolls

Insane rolls

HeinousHumanity vid #40365729 Wat footage from ifunny

Wat footage from ifunny

HeinousHumanity vid #38033936 Man gets flattened by steamroller

Man gets flattened by steamroller

HeinousHumanity vid #40861322 Drunken idiot tries to fight bouncer

Drunken idiot tries to fight bouncer

HeinousHumanity vid #39767795 Footage of the Nashville school shooter being shot by police.

Footage of the Nashville school shooter being shot by police.

HeinousHumanity vid #41024455 Upcoming rap artists artist "K-man 6ixx" and 3 others shot dead

Upcoming rap artists artist "K-man 6ixx" and 3 others shot dead

HeinousHumanity vid #38350274 Man tried to stab police and got shot

Man tried to stab police and got shot

HeinousHumanity vid #38133905 Went down to help him and was electrocuted too.

Went down to help him and was electrocuted too.

HeinousHumanity vid #40433931 Motorcycles and dump trucks, what could go wrong?

Motorcycles and dump trucks, what could go wrong?

HeinousHumanity vid #38852040 Ouch (no gore)

Ouch (no gore)

HeinousHumanity vid #40307493 Drunk guy stumbles into train

Drunk guy stumbles into train

HeinousHumanity vid #38902882 Crazy ass fight mfer shove his opponent through a window

Crazy ass fight mfer shove his opponent through a window

HeinousHumanity vid #38788055 Guy survives tiger attack (Injuries shown at the end)

Guy survives tiger attack (Injuries shown at the end)

HeinousHumanity vid #41013111 Gas tanker explosion in Columbia

Gas tanker explosion in Columbia

HeinousHumanity vid #38832776 Man had enough, kills himself with a scrap cutter

Man had enough, kills himself with a scrap cutter

HeinousHumanity vid #40074209 Airstrike on building in Gaza

Airstrike on building in Gaza

HeinousHumanity vid #38916493 Man found with leg bitten off by shark

Man found with leg bitten off by shark

HeinousHumanity vid #38800186 Surviving tiger attack video (cropped for better visibility)

Surviving tiger attack video (cropped for better visibility)

HeinousHumanity vid #40405720 Welcome to Taiwan

Welcome to Taiwan

HeinousHumanity vid #38839690 Man have a machete stuck in his face after a brawl (happened

Man have a machete stuck in his face after a brawl (happened

HeinousHumanity vid #38262884 Charlottesville Rally Turns Deadly: One Killed After Car Strikes

Charlottesville Rally Turns Deadly: One Killed After Car Strikes

HeinousHumanity vid #38327380 Tomorrow's tomb looks like this after 15 years Part 2

Tomorrow's tomb looks like this after 15 years Part 2

HeinousHumanity vid #40338096 Must've hurt

Must've hurt

HeinousHumanity vid #38843661 Crying Woman gets hit in the head by a 4x4, get punch in the

Crying Woman gets hit in the head by a 4x4, get punch in the

HeinousHumanity vid #38060698 Idiots With Guns - Episode 3

Idiots With Guns - Episode 3

HeinousHumanity vid #38364996 Guns Episode 3

Guns Episode 3

HeinousHumanity vid #38476908 Girl falls/jumps out of a window and DESTROYS her head...

Girl falls/jumps out of a window and DESTROYS her head...

HeinousHumanity vid #38406176 Soldier killed during shootout in the Central African Republic

Soldier killed during shootout in the Central African Republic

HeinousHumanity vid #38852082 Man guides reversing truck to his neck (+aftermath)

Man guides reversing truck to his neck (+aftermath)

HeinousHumanity vid #38913276 Man explodes in the middle of the street like a creeper

Man explodes in the middle of the street like a creeper

HeinousHumanity vid #40394193 Man get shot point blank after kidnapping his son

Man get shot point blank after kidnapping his son

HeinousHumanity vid #40973384 Predator begs

Predator begs

HeinousHumanity vid #38384587 Bear attack on Oil field

Bear attack on Oil field

HeinousHumanity vid #35406386 Dickhead pushes cyclist into a river

Dickhead pushes cyclist into a river

HeinousHumanity vid #40559276 Biker crushed after balcony collapses

Biker crushed after balcony collapses

HeinousHumanity vid #40690311 Police officer, 11 inmates Die in Paraguay Prison Operation

Police officer, 11 inmates Die in Paraguay Prison Operation

HeinousHumanity vid #26569083 Russian man stabs/kills his friend in train station after he

Russian man stabs/kills his friend in train station after he